Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diary 5/13

I LOVE VOLUNTEERS! All the snapdragons I have are volunteers. Sometimes it doesn't work out, like with melons. You get a small amount of melon and a huge seed cavity or cucumbers which seem to want to revert back to picklers. I still like to make room for any of the plants that want to do it all by themselves. Maybe it's a Y2K thing. Remember? Now we have to worry about the Mayan calendar. Anyway, I have been saving tomatoes from the aisles and various lettuces and cilantro come up here and there. So, I left this row of nasturiums. Actually, this is their third year. They are glorious right now, but may intrude on the cabbages behind them a bit too much. Decisions, decisions.

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