Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diary 5/12/11

It is moist outside which is nice.  In just the few days of drier weather, the soil everywhere around the garden had seized up and formed an inch thick crust.  The hard rains we had all winter and until very lately slapped the soil into a tough pancake.  Under that, the dirt is noticeably moist and "arable" I think the term is.  Even the tilled areas within the garden had dried with a fine surface crust, but very easy to work through. I planted carrots, Scarlet Nantes, I am hung up on, beets, and spinach, Tyee, a Territorial seed.  I transplanted more Big Beef tomatoes in the lower greenhouse, a late season variety that will stagger with the earlier SuperTasty tomatoes, our favorite, a Burpee seed.  I am growing some 5th generation seed from various SuperTasty fruits we have saved seed from~a shallow gene pool, but ours. Photo shows new ginormous potato beds in on the right. Notice the old school raspberries(on falling fence) have not been pruned, poor things. They have been shunned for other raspberries elsewhere. We have lots more potatoes to plant, maybe this many, not sure.

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