Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Diary 5/10/11

Sorry, took a blog break.  I meant to post on Mother's Day and didn't get it done.  Hope it was as nice for you and yours as it was for me. Took a quick trip to Eugene to see grandson before serious surgery. Eugene was in full bloom with gorgeous rhododendrons and azaleas everywhere.  I saw a pink dogwood that could not have been fuller of blooms. Beautiful day today.  Watered and made big plans for tomorrow!  Put netting on strawberries so that we are not providing delicious berries to every critter on the hill.  When I went out to close doors and turn off waters there were three does munching this and that.  I have started chasing them off as I don't want them comfy and thinking they might stay for the summer.

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