Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, November 19, 2010

Diary 11/19

9 I brought my dwarf lime tree in as it is suppose to get down to 25 degrees here soon.  The poor thing will be confused, bloom, set some fruit and then barely survive to produce a couple tart little limes.  The ants will come in February to grow scale on its branches.  The scale will zap the energy from the plant making it sweat its essence through the leaves.  In the nick of time, it will be warm enough I can put the tree back outside, maybe have to drag it in a night or two, but it will recover and regrow new leaves through next summer in order to prepare for the whole thing over again. Ah, the trials of a tropical tree in a non-temperate zone. Meanwhile, the weather folks are still talking about snow and not much sticking.

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