Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I was rewarded for my clean-up today.  When I removed a sheet of plastic from the one end of the melons I had protected with it(remember?), there were three ripe honeydew melons.  The one pictured was less ripe than the other two, but delicious!  Who would have thunk??? November what? and a ripe melon outdoors!  I already told you we have cantaloupes in the greenhouse...at 2000 feet ...in November! Amazing.  Rolled hoses, cleaned up drip lines, folded the shade cloth, all with help of neighbor, Alan.  Thank you Alan :). The rest of the crew are pretty much "laid-off" for now.  (There is Red Sails lettuce you guys, come and get it.) One more day of dry weather tomorrow and then rain, rain, and snow?

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