Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Diary 5/23/13

It was a beautiful day.  Clouds came and went and so it was great for transplanting. I am trying to get the rest of the plants I have started into soil so I don't have to take care of them in planters anymore.  I also transplanted Delicata winter squash.  I put a plant and two seeds in five holes.

Trimming the tops off before transplanting makes the little onions less topsy turvy.  I saved the greens to use in the fried rice we ate for lunch.

Dill and rows of baby onions
15 Delicatas should be more than enough for over the winter. The onions were coming up in the beds where I thinned them to plant individually outside.  I have Walla Wallas, red and white sweet Spanish.  I did not attempt hard yellow onions this year as it is already too late to get them to finish up.  I still want to plant some more potatoes and I read an article about planting late potatoes last year, so I know there is still time.  I hope I still have some seed potatoes that haven't totally shriveled up, but I did look into it yet. I put a few dill plants in with the onions for pickle making eventually.

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