Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Diary 5/15/13

Little by little we are planting our "little" garden.  We put in 5 rows of corn yesterday.  It will be a big batch when it is all done, so guess we will have to have a party!  I was worried when I only planted a few feet of snap peas that we would have enough.  This all so new to me. Like when your children leave home and you are trying to make only enough spaghetti for two. Well, the crop is in, there is PLENTY!  Plus I planted snow peas at the same time that are also ready.  Hmmm, I'll get the hang of this growing for two thing, yet. I let the corner of the lower greenhouse go as I didn't need the space.  It has gone wild with self sewn cilantro and snapdragons.

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