Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Diary 7/2/11

Mulched the potatoes for the last time.  It took quite a bit of forest rotten logs, compost, and sand mix to make enough to cover sides of plants the last time.  The top row is blooming and so far not much bug action, knock on wood.  I think maybe the cold rainy weather we had pulled a fast one on many bugs.  So far it has been mellow.  I know with the hot weather later this next week, so new insects will hatch, so I am on guard with hand picking any I see at first and then Neem and Pyganic. Plants in the greenhouse seem pretty happy.  Opened the sides of the two upper greenhouses to let more air flow.  The lower greenhouse has so many plants and flowers in there it has more moisture and less intense sun, so may be able to just put some shade cloth on part of it and be fine.  The upper of the two greenhouses will need a complete shade cloth as usual.  I don't want to put it on until necessary as it will lessen the sunlight by 30%.  The top greenhouse is so tall and open on the ends, that it doesn't need a shade cloth at all.  Good air flows help it to stay cool enough.

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