Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Diary 4/27/11

I worked on tagging the plants for show.  They are looking better everyday especially when they are sunny days like today!  Got into an overwintered bed of carrots that were totally covered with weeds.  They look really good and will grow happily now that they are revealed and will be mulched a little tomorrow.  The picture is of the carrots in the greenhouse.  They will maybe beat out the outdoor ones by a week, but hard to say, the outside carrots just want some more sun to really take off.  I have two more successions , one in the top greenhouse, and one outside that are stalled out.  Won't plant more until we get to till-no space.  Have to keep beds open for onions which will be ready in a couple weeks to go out.

1 comment:

  1. Love your header photo and the carrots look great!


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