Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Diary 8/24

Tomatoes and cucumbers have been here for a few weeks now, so what's ahead? Other than the next crop of raspberries and fall crops like spinach, I still have some summer treats that will ripen soon. They include Crimson Sweet watermelon. Large, red, and so sweet, Crimson Sweet proves you can grow a "real" watermelon in Oregon. There are so many figs on the trees, when they are ready it is going to be scary. Good thing my daughter gave me a great fig recipe book! Also, the few plums on the Starking Delicious plum tree which we call the "Back to School" plum will be ready soon. There are usually some on the tree every year. Last, but definitely not least, the strawberries have so many set and coming, I hope I can stay up with them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Figs! I am so jealous. You can't grow figs or peaches in Michigan. (Well, there are peaches grown in Western MI near Lake MI.) My sister lives near Hebo, OR and can't really grow tomatoes which grow really well here although mine have Late Blight, another one of those fungi that love our humid weather. However, it doesn't usually stop them from producing. I am busy canning. Love your blog.


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