Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Diary 8/5

Put up another cow fence today. Circled the area the cows would come to first if they came that way. Hard to say with cows, but basically they have been walking up the roads, so that is my best bet. Have two awesome guys helping for the next few days. They have showed me that I have been wrongly prejudice as they are very helpful on all fronts. We have had two versions of aioli(sp?), mayonnaise made with oil, egg yolk, and garlic with a bit of lemon. Both were delicious on potatoes and even on green beans. They kicked butt in cleaning the aisles of the lower green house with the help of neighbor, Alan. I can see where I am walking and don't have to reach across randomness to pick cherry tomatoes. Life is good.

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