Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Diary 8/26

David, the chef, is leaving us tomorrow. Enough learning where food comes from, now to find a job to pay his student loans. French toast for breakfast, makes a great start to a good day. Lucky me! Weeding harvesting, and a good breakfast! Worked on getting the last onions to the house. Well, not the last onions, but the last of the organized beds of onions. There are still a few rows here and there. The golf cart we purchased from Criagslist has been a good harvest mobile. Cleaned up the end of the top greenhouse, harvested everything ready there and put a sprinkler on it. Despite cool weather ahead, the whole end seemed so dry and forlorn with a dose of spider mites on the middle melons.

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