Yard work today. Noxious weeds, star thistle and giant dandelion, removal from an old garden area and general disarray from blackberry vines, thistles, and an assortment of weeds taken out from below my little pond. Time to get them before they go to seed and propagate everywhere. My reward was relocating my long lost day lilies under the mess. They were happy to be rescued and plan to bloom soon.
Okay... you are amazing! You took one look at some little pictures of my yard and knew exactly what is going on.
ReplyDeleteYES!!! There are earwigs! I don't need a flashlight to figure that out, there everywhere, all the time. I didn't even know that was bad. It is? Are they eating my plants? Is that why things wont grow?
I just planted some lupine seeds in that brick area and they have sprouted.
And I hope you don't mind but you said I could ask you questions... so here's one... I want to plant some pumpkins in another site in the back yard, but I read that I have to plant the little mounds 10' apart. Is that a must? Could I get away with planting them 5' apart? And can I plant them in the same patch with some watermelon vines?
Oh thank you for being a friend. I'm so lost in this gardening world... but I'm stayin'. I'm going to grow something, somehow... I just know it!
Rachael - MommyTopics.com
Thanks so much for all of the feedback on the pumpkins and watermelons. Those are exactly the seeds I have... sugar baby watermelons and sugar pumpkins for pies. I'm glad to know I can plant them a bit closer together so I can hope for more of them instead of having to space them sooooo far apart.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you found me and I'm sure I'll be back with many more questions along the saga of this hindered but hopeful gardener. :)
Rachael - MommyTopics.com