Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, September 14, 2012

Diary 9/14/12

After years of growing way too many hot peppers, I showed good restraint this year to the point that hot peppers have become somewhat dear to me.  I planted only 1 Cayenne, 1 Jalapeno, 2 Anchos, and 6 Anaheim Long Green Chilies.  I seem to have enough  that I can still send a few to the CSA members who want them and enough to make the spicy dishes I have wanted to so far. I still have two bags of frozen misc. hot peppers from last year having used only one of the three bags I saved.  I pickled some last year which were tasty, and I may not have that many this year.  Still, I am happy to have only a small basket of peppers to use as I wish.

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