Mr. Darcy with all his "handsome features and noble mein."J.A. |
Mr. Darcy keeps watch while his ladies debug the flower garden. |
Mr. Darcy knows how handsome he is as he escorts his ladies around the yard. I have been letting them out for a bit most evenings. That way, they do a quick bug sweep without scratching too much in one place. It is fun to look out and see them wandering through the flower beds around the house as a group. Bag delivery went very smooth today. It helps that there were plenty of options today, and I did not feel like such hard work to put some nice bags of veggies and berries together for folks. The first crop of raspberries are about done and the honey bees are working the fall crop flowers feverishly. The weekend is supposed to be 100 again, but it was a nice hot today, not so brutal.
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