Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Diary 10/17/11

Town chores this AM and house cleaning this PM.  I have "misplaced" my glasses and have found nothing but dust trying to locate them, so I have armed myself with the vacuum on the search now.  Warm temps today and tomorrow will make for nice bags this last week.  I have tomatoes ripening and raspberries once again coming on strong.  Gophers are moving into the greenhouses.  I will try the gopher sound buzzer in there, but might have to take more dire steps towards thinning them down a bit.  Wish the cat would spend more time hunting there.  There has been a feral cat now and then, but not enough to control population.  Maybe winter will help. Meanwhile, they are eating beets and onions from the ground up.  The grapes are producing a superior crop and the warmth is making them so sweet.

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