Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I am glad you found me because I hope I can be helpful or at least interesting for you to follow, be you a gardener yourself or just watching vicariously.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Thank you!

I was sniveling last week because I had no comments from my followers or friends or family who are not followers on my blog.  Several did get in touch through the comment line and elsewhere, and I wish  to say thank you to you guys.  I want to extend a special thanks to the folks from Hawaii who sent me a very nice email(at www.elkcreekgardens@gmail.com).  These are folks to whom I have no personal connection, only the blog.  The author said ALL the right stuff and made me feel awesome about my blog.  I have very much enjoyed the small amount of blogging around I have done-mostly through blotanical, thus other garden blogs.  It has been a universal connection and I have a relationship with people I will probably never meet, but you never know.  Bangchik who has a lovely way she looks at her garden in Malaysia, for instance~  She was whacking out tapioca bushes-two types- like we whack out blackberries-three types-, here. Great stuff.  I also look locally to the Frontier Gardener in Alaska for a reality check.  My weather is mild compared to hers. She also gives out a monthly "blue tarp" award, I think you know what she means.  Once again, I appreciate all your feedback and will carry on!

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