The netting is definitely working for the strawberries. It is a pain to pick them what with uncovering and covering again. So far there hasn't been any trouble with pollination, but I think when I pick on Wednesday, I will leave them open for awhile, just in case. Almost time to put out yellow jacket traps. Those waspish bees will eat both strawberries and raspberries. By making traps early, I can definitely hold back the numbers. More about traps soon. The Sudan grass is up and flourishing. This picture is a day and a half old, so I can already see it is way taller now. The melons are very happy with the hot temps. The challenge is to make the circle hooking up drip lines and keeping everyone watered when they are growing so quickly. Luckily the onions and potatoes are just about done, so not watering them.
What is the Sudan Grass for?
ReplyDeleteA thick planting of the grass will cover the soil to prevent weeds taking up residence there. It will shade the soil and keep it cooler and hold some moisture all of which is good for the soil microbes. These same microbes will benefit from the decaying organic matter when the grass its tilled under in a few weeks. Thus, Sudan grass is a fast growing "cover crop" which also acts as a "green manure".