My over-wintered Napa cabbages are bolting, so we have quite a bit to eat. It is much milder tasting than bok choy and not anything like a cabbage. I like it. My daughter taught me to make an oriental salad with the Napa leaves and the crunchy white stems as a base. To about 6 cups of chopped Napa, I have been adding different things, and especially in the peak of garden time it is delicious: tomato, cucumber, onion, green or mild, cilantro, and mandarin orange slices. Yeah, no tangerine trees in my garden.) One time I didn't have a can of mandarin oranges to add, so I just chopped one navel orange up and it was great, so now I am apt to do that rather than open a can of slices which is too many. To make the salad dressing, make a vinegrette with soy sauce 1/3 c. (or substitute Tamari and a little honey or amino liquids?) a little fish sauce 2tsp., and sesame oil 1/2 c., and lime juice 1tsp. These measurements are approximate, so take a taste to see if you like it more sour, more soyish or salty with fish sauce and of course make enough to cover your cabbage and stuff. Serve with crunchy oriental noodles as croutons or platform for salad. Serves 2 pigs or 4 light eaters.
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