Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diary 4/20

It is raining as predicted. 3/10th already in two hours. I will work on drip lines in greenhouses. A couple have holes that I accidentally whacked in them when I was cleaning the beds out. Some have drip lines from years back that finally just don't deliver much water because there is algae built up inside. I think I will transplant some things to the lower greenhouse today as the upper is pretty much filled up. I have cucumber plants and a couple squash plants I can put in and maybe a couple rows of beans which would be the third succession of them. I love the bush bean "Venture" from Territorial Seeds. They are so sweet and don't get starchy on the bush as quickly as some I have tried. I might plant some "Fortex" pole beans, also from Territorial. They can be picked very small as a fillet bean or let get full size of 8 inches for a still sweet meaty bean. Good asparagus harvest last evening. 8 CSA bags tomorrow!

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