Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Diary 4/30/13

It feels like May out there, ha-ha.  Really, though, we are going to warm up fast around here.  The weather is straightening out and going to be above normal and dry. Hate to say it, but it will be perfect for insects.Working on finishing cleaning up the perennials, the berries and the asparagus patches.  Also unwound hoses and turned water on all over the place today.  Weird for not being even May!  I will get the bulk of the garden in next week. I am in the throws of the Wildflower Show which seems to be coming together fine. Then I can picture doing more in the greenhouses. Apple trees, cherries, and lilacs are blooming in the yard as are the madrone trees. It is verdant here.

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