Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Diary 10/24/12

Well~ I have gained a grandson, driven 400 miles, played with two three years olds, slept in a variety of beds, and been in court(that is a very long story-not to worry, it will have an OK ending soon) since I last posted. We worked on the elk meat, making a bunch of burger and sausage with different spices. Sunday night we attended a play in Ashland about LBJ with old friends and had a lovely dinner before with even more old friends. I am getting old, too, after all! Then got to bed around 11:30.  My daughter called with baby news at 1:26, and after asking her if she meant, now?, came to, drank hotel coffee, and took off in a driving rain.  Three hours later I made it to Eugene, caught a little sleep, and then watched Water Boy while Mom and Dad worked on labor and delivery.  Brother was born in the early afternoon, but the phone call met deaf ears as Grama and grandson were fast asleep. Later we made it to the hospital to meet the new little fellow and see that everyone was doing very well.  Water Boy received a nice excavator as a present from his new brother. Now I am home. The garden continues to flourish behind the greenhouse doors.  Lots of produce was waiting for me and we had a nice salad with some of it for dinner. Ready to sleep in my own bed!


  1. So much going on! I hope Ada and the new baby are doing well. Please send my love to them. Enjoy your garden a little extra for me :)

  2. Congratulations on your new grandson. I read your blog every time you post even if I don't comment much. Moving composted horse manure to my garden these days getting ready to mulch it for winter.

  3. Glad you made it home safe. New baby boy is beautiful as are his brother and parents!


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