Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Diary 5/21/12

Made quite a bit of progress in the top greenhouse today.  We planted the next round of SuperTasty tomatoes, just a few, and then some Beefsteaks and Brandywines.  Then we shaped the last bed in that row for Venture bush beans and planted them.  So, that row is finished and now we will amend the next row and till it and start planting the next succession there.  Also staked all the tomatoes and Katie tied them once or twice to their stakes.  It is all coming together. Outside, we planted another bed of Walla Walla onions, so there are only a few left to transplant.  I hope to get some flowers in the ground in the yard tomorrow.  Though the yard is looking great for now, it will take a break before the summer flowers bloom.

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