Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Diary 2/18

Worked for a very short time in greenhouse this morning, but it was too cold to be comfortable, so gave up early.  The snow is disappearing quickly locally, but more is due next week.  Nice to see a good amount still on the mountains all around us and as it is freezing at night (and part of the day) , the snow will stay until there is another warm front or maybe until Spring. We need the snow pack to feed the rivers for a good fish habitat.  Speaking of which, both natural occurring dead fish and some that the Fish and Wildlife place along the banks of the creeks to supply the watershed with the special isotope found only in dead fish, have attracked the eagles.  Almost every good size creek around here has a resident eagle this time of year.  It may be a Bald Eagle such as this guy up Flat Creek, or a Golden Eagle which is the next size up.  They will also eat the leftovers from sheep and cows that are birthing over the next couple months.  We have even seen them on road kill deer. 

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