Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Diary 1/29

Almost another month gone.  The days are getting longer, soon to be 10 hours of light.  Blogging now as it may be a busy day with baby, guests, firewood gathering, and packing for vacation...I will let you know through pictures I hope.  If I am silent next week, it means I could not figure out wireless connection!  Successful Brussel Sprouts this year.  They are sizing up early, before aphids arrive in a month or so.  I am excited to eat my own! Still have plenty of spinach here and there.  Broccoli making a comeback and cilantro ready to use.  Otherwise, not sure if any cauliflowers survived and kale is now sending up fresh leaves. I feel lucky to have any of it.

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