Just wanted to say a couple things about planting strawberries before that season has passed. I have added some new plants to our collection this year. I am going to try Tribute. I am a big fan of TriStar, but it is good to try something new once in awhile. Both varieties are everbearers or day neutral types. They make a good June crop and then keep blooming and producing after that until serious rain or freezes end their season. When you receive the plants they often have a crowd of roots that really like it if they are splayed out before planting. I prepare the holes with some compost. Our soil is naturally acid which berries prefer. Then in the middle of the hole I make a ball of soil with my fist which I place the plant on, circling those roots around the ball. Then when I plant it, the roots are already headed down and the crown which doesnot like to be covered is up on top. The crown is that brownish husk around where the leaves start up from. In the photo, the tape is showing soil level. A little water and they should take off, especially with some cooler weather and rain for their early life. There are a few bug issues which we can talk about later as they happen.
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