Raining hard. Retreat, retreat! Poked the second set of
tomatoes that sprouted into trays and started some basil, flowers, and another round of broccoli seeds in a tray also. I will let them
germinate in the house and then move them out to the greenhouse. I might work on my seed bin which is in disarray with new seed arrivals and ones I failed to file away. If you have a small enough garden, recipe card holders work nicely for seed packets. I use a large plastic tub with a
mouse proof lid. I divided it up using recycled file folders. The first section is root crops I guess because they often are the first seeds planted. Then I have a file called
brassicas as I don't need to separate cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Kale should be in there, but I have it in greens because that is how I think of kale. It is my seed bin, so I get to do it how I want! Then from there it starts to be alphabetical with beans, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, melons, peas, peppers, squash and tomatoes. Anyway, I probably left
something out, but you get the
gist. I can pull a folder out, look for the seed I want and then stab the folder's back down into its home. I have a big area at the back which is just flowers. Some of them are in envelops together, some with rubber bands and many in odd packages of seed saving size with cryptic
descriptions like "bright pink zinnias by greenhouse door". Oh yeah, I remember those.