Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Diary 2/19/13

Planting apple trees in the garden area.  I guess that makes it official, we will not be growing row crops there!  We put in 4 Honeycrisp and have a Red Delicious and Golden Delicious to plant. We had to fence them immediately so some young whippersnapper buck deer doesn't take a young apple tree on. I am going to put in some new strawberries in the greenhouse, too.  They have been so easy in there, and so much fun to have. Who doesn't like fresh strawberries? I know, I know, "I thought you were taking time off from the garden?" Well, yes, but still want to grow things we really want, not just a variety of produce to fill 30 bags. 

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