Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Diary 6/27/12

Battling aphids on the squash.  They are taking over and the ants are farming them, providing food and habitat.  Today, the army arrived, 1500 ladybugs.  We will release about 500 every few days until we see progress.  The ladybugs were not available until recently because it has been so cool that they failed to come out of dormancy.  I think most of the little red friends we use are from stumps in the Sierra Nevada Mts. in California.  I have seen a few out at the garden, but after releasing over a million through the years, there is little to show for it. They are off working elsewhere I hope.  The bugs will eat and eat, but as soon as the aphid population is under control they fly away to happier hunting grounds.  You can use glue or put a drop of soda pop on them so their wings stay shut and they cannot fly, but I have never done this, nor never shall! I will take pictures of them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! You should submit some of them to The Green Life's farm photo contest. Check it out!


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