Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I am glad you found me because I hope I can be helpful or at least interesting for you to follow, be you a gardener yourself or just watching vicariously.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Blog!

I know, I know, not more time on the computer, but I had to do it.  I am hoping to publish some writing someday, so this seems to be the way to start getting the word out.  It is not going to have daily posts, and the posts it does have may not be about gardening at all. They will, however , hopefully make you curious about what I have written. In the meanwhile, I will give background to what I am writing. Things that I have learned. Helpful hints, maybe, to anyone else working through the process of writing, and in general introduce any works I have finished.  Then at some point when I get to a self publishing stage if it comes to that, the curtains will open and ta-da! there will be a book to read and you will want to read it.

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