Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, March 8, 2013

Diary 3/8/13

This tasty morsel was hiding in a Fir tree we fell and cleaned up.  Not a healthy tree, this guys had moved in to help the end of the tree's life along by chewing long corridors in the outer Cambrian layer.  The soft wood is perfect for this guy to chew and make interesting patterns, visible when the bark is removed.  The chickens played touch football with it, but in the end, the little red hen got the worm. Very nice weather today.  I raked seven big piles of oak leaves that still haven't rotted and hauled them into the chicken yard for them to make compost out of.  There are still plenty more to rake up and spread.  I also raked up some pine debris and mulched the blueberries with it.  Garden Girl is back.  She "helped" me plant a Forsythia and a Daphne bush.  I love te early yellow flowers of Forsythia.  I have planted three bushes before that have met various demises including a bulldozer.  This time it is safe in "bush gardens". I also love the smell of Daphne flowers.  I found a small bush I think will adapt better than putting in a larger one.  Here's hoping anyway.

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