Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diary 11/20/12

Glad to be able to stay home today.  Cleaned house and organized piles here and there.  It still has not frosted inside the greenhouse, so there is still quite a bit of food out there.  I found zucchini, cucumbers, and more tomatoes today.  We had fresh salsa with a jalapeno and green chili which were still left over from my previous picking.  I think I will pick about 30 lbs of orange tomatoes tomorrow.  On top of that, the lettuce is starting to size up, the turnips are large enough to eat, and I have carrots and a few beets. So, after a big stir fry tonight, I think I will make a large salad tomorrow :).  Time to attack a pumpkin for pies on Thursday.  I have several pumpkins left and this one was one of the biggest.  The chickens will get the insides and I roasted the seeds for a great snack. I have set the chunks inside down in the steamer and heated them until they were soft.  Will render the orange flesh in the morning and freeze what I don't need for two pies.

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