Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Diary 11/12/12

It was a gloomy rainy day with just a spot of sun this afternoon, one time.  Tried to be interested in cleaning one of the beds in the top greenhouse for some lettuce I still need to transplant, but I could not stick with it.  Instead I picked some of the last zinnias and went back inside to peel the tomatoes I picked yesterday for yet another small batch of something tomatoey.  Tomorrow a friend is coming in the morning to haul of some produce to make lunch at the community center.  I will feel better knowing those cucumbers go to a good home.  We can eat only so many, and they keep coming.  She will also pick the orange tomatoes in that greenhouse as she didn't get very many out of her garden this year, and I already have a box to watch change from orange to red.

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