Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Diary 9/19/11

Garden Dog is getting better at spotting and escorting cows out of our garden and yard.  He knows it is illegal for us to forcefully remove the range cows, so he merely runs behind them barking and trying to keep up, not chasing.  The cowboy came yesterday and removed the 12 cows that caused the latest damage.  He was conciliatory, but I was humble as I am aware that I will have to put up a fence to garden because that is the law.  Yes, it is my property and I take care of it year round, but no, I have no recourse against these cows coming on our property whenever they are " put out" to range.  Is this fair?  Well, I don't think so.  The law says we have to get signatures from landowners in our area totaling 2000 acres in order for them to  consider a change.  That is rough seeing as how most of the range is Forest Capitol ground (formerly Boise Cascade ), BLM, or Forest Service. The private ground makes up little of the range.  I am not completely against open range. I have seen its benefits in places especially if the cow owner is vigilant on his job and doesn't let the cattle hang too long in any one place. I would just like it to not be in my yard, my orchard, and my garden.

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