Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Diary 9/12/11

Canning tomatoes and freezing corn.  I cut the corn off the cob and leave it on trays in the freezer until frozen.  Then when I put the corn in containers, I can pour out what I need at a time.  I stopped blanching things before I put them in the freezer a few years ago.  I think that was important when freezers did not freeze things so quickly. I like to know that the first time I steam the corn is the first time and thus it tastes as close to fresh as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous of you canned tomatoes, although I am still hoping to can some of mine. This summer has been weird for us here in Michigan. We had a long dry spell in July and then torrential rains for a while. Even though I watered, many of my tomatoes suffered from cracking. The Late Blight seems to have hit harder than last year too. Sigh... but the beets and carrots and peppers are great!


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