Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Diary 4/12/12

Another one of those days with hail, sun, hail.  It was hard to decide whether to keep a jacket on or off.  Worked on the top greenhouse with Allen, weeding, harvesting, and getting ready to till things in pretty soon to have two nice beds for planting.  I am going to need them in a couple weeks, so have to finish up eating a ton of spinach and some cauliflowers which are just starting to make their heads.  The purple sprouting broccoli continues, but with some warmer days, it , too will be done.  Lots of asparagus coming up, but not quite of size.  No blooms on any of the peas, but I expect some soon.  The pool plum( above tree by where we used to have a pool) and a couple of the other wild plums are blooming, but the rest are still holding out for warmer weather.  Hope they do and we don't have a freeze so we have some good fruit this year.

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