Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Diary 1/2/14

Well, there you have it! The limits of my abilities on the computer. This is a link to a post on Google plus of very cute appetizers made to look like ladybugs out of halved cherry tomatoes. Don't know if it will work if you are not a google plus person. I am, and I have a good connection to some interesting people there. It is supposed to be an intelligent Facebook, but there is still some worthless posting there.  Hope your new year is going well so far. We all ate out black-eyes peas yesterday and are hoping they provide the assurance of a good year. I use to hate them, but now serve them more than just once a year. My mother referred to some Irish tradition, but all I could find was some southern tales of Jumpin' John and a Civil War reference. Field peas were considered animal feed and thus spared when Union soldiers burned property in the south. They became a staple for many and thus a sign of better times.

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