Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Diary 12/18/11

Our deer neighbors are eating the cover crop as the range cows would like to if they were not escorted off the property every other evening.  I kinda feel sorry for the cows as there is not much left for them to eat.  Hope the cow guy hauls them off sometime...? Notice the wet snow-damaged branches on the plum trees still needing to be pruned. Cleaned up more rotten vegetation yesterday.  Allen helped clean one whole greenhouse on Friday.  Looks good and now to turn beds and add compost.  Plenty of time for that.  I figure if I do a bit everyday, I will get 'er done.  Not today, though.  Today is one of my favorite days, a get together with my girlfriends and the day we declare our Secret Pals to each other.  Much fun, great food, a DD, and lots of good memories in the making.

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