Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Curing Garden Dog's cough (Diary 11/9/13)

Thank goodness for Google, once again. Garden Dog was retching and choking and I was worried about him. He has done so before and one bowl of chicken broth seemed to do the trick, but not this time. As the cough continued, I looked online for help and found a YouTube video of exactly what Garden Dog was doing. He had kennel cough. I must say that I thought it was a serious ailment, but when I read more, it was kinda like a common cold in dogs. He had been stressed as he had cysts removed the week before. he also got wet and cold a couple times when he insisted on helping gather firewood and other farm chores. The vet on the video suggested the age old remedy for coughs: honey, lemon, and warm water to be an aid. He said you could add goldenseal and echinacea also. I had echinacea, so I made the dog some cough syrup. At first it took a dose every 3 hours. Then that lengthened to 6. Yesterday morning when we had a visitor was the last time he coughed. After only 36 hours, the dog was cured! Information highway, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness that boy was cured! I hear kennel cough is no good :(

    Doctor Sara to the rescue!


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