Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Diary 3/8

Dreary with a skiff of snow.  How will it ever be 52 degrees today and 67 tomorrow?  Holed up for now, top dressing some neglected houseplants and making curtains(I hope).   Made soil mix for first planters of stuff.  I am holding off until the 18th to 21st for starting first tomatoes.  Have to check for best planting date for fruit.  Have  faith in the bio-dynamic theories.  Here is my one orchid.  I am so proud that it rebloomed, I may have to learn to grow orchids enough to take this guy to the next level.  Good thing there is Amy's In the Orchid House blog to go to.


  1. There is nothing as beautiful as a white orchid!

  2. Congratulations! You must be doing something right to get it to bloom again. :)


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