Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I am glad you found me because I hope I can be helpful or at least interesting for you to follow, be you a gardener yourself or just watching vicariously.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diary 3/1

Pea soup!
March!  I planted some more snap peas yesterday which reminds me that I mentioned before that I wanted to plant more peas soon, but I was waiting until after a "cold snap" that was coming, to do so.  My sister, clever woman that she is, wrote to ask ~  If you plant the peas now and the cold snap hits them,  won't they be "snap peas".  Good one, Sis!  OK, I may not have much to say sometimes, but I DO blog almost everyday.  I have 27 followers now and several relatives and friends who visit. I am almost to my anniversary and I would LOVE to hear from any of you that do visit.  Is it so hard to comment?  I do it at other blogs and don't have a problem, but I am registered with blogger.com, so maybe that is why.  Anyway, I am trying to visit other garden blogs and comment there.  The feedback feels so connecting.  So, if you get a chance, please say hi.  I appreciate the knowledge that some people out there are cheering for me and my garden/life efforts. I like knowing others are doing the same, and I applaud them.  If you can't comment, say hi at elkcreekgardens@gmail.com.  Make my week!

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog every day (that you post) and really enjoy it. I feel blessed that I live in Michigan and can get a break from gardening (of course, I don't have a greenhouse..) in the winter to try and get some of those indoor projects done. We are sort of related and I hope you will come to the family reunion this summer at the beach so I can meet you. I have just received in the mail the seeds I ordered for my vegetable garden. I have also ordered a few shrubs for a new shrub border I will plant this spring and summer. So enjoying planning my gardening. I will try to comment more often!


I love to hear from you, especially if I can help with your efforts...