Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Diary 3/21/11

The vultures are back.  They head south for the winter.  I don't think they travel far, at least Central California, but they do come back in Spring most often on this day.  I know the turkey vulture is not an attractive bird and maybe we don't make a fuss in his honor such as they do upon the return of the swallows to San Juan Capistrano in Southern California each year, but it  is a sign of the inevitable return of another growing year, so I mention it.  The swallows return here also and usually on the same day as the vultures ( but I haven't seen any yet)and the same day the ones do it in San Juan Capistrano, hmmm. The last two years this return was unusually early by two or three weeks, so not sure what that might mean.  This is the traditional date, so might be called normal...

1 comment:

  1. I love vultures! They, and the crows, among others, clean up all the dead animals. Our hound, however, does not like them and barks and barks when they are overhead.


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