Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Diary 3/31/11

A full day of sun and I have about worn myself out!  Planted another round of snap peas.  The biggest ones are about five inches tall now.  Worked on cleaning another area where cauliflower came out.  Planting this and that around the edges of beds; radishes, beets, some lettuce.  Thinned two rows of raspberries with helpers through the afternoon.  Was pleasantly surprised to get two done, when I wondered if we would finish the thick one.  Have two small rows of raspberries left to tidy up.  First tomatoes are up.  Starting more and some peppers.  Will start quite a few tomatoes, peppers, cucs, squash, and flowers around the 11th of April for Wildflower Show and to plant outdoors. 

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