Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Diary 12/31/13

Last day of 2013. Hope to finish 10th edition of "the book" today. It has become a romance for what it is worth...Otherwise, plans to start cleaning out the chicken pen, working on cleaning at least one bed in the top greenhouse and incorporating the chicken bedding. I am hoping that the organic matter will scare away gophers maybe. It will be a battle again this year, but if I work fewer beds, I stand a chance of holding them at bay. Electronic sound makers have been working, just obnoxious to be around, beeping all the time. I haven't given whirligigs a chance and I should, but I want a low key one. I don't want a rainbow bicycle swirling at the edge of my view. I may have to take to painting my own in some sort of garden camo. The clicking is important and I don't know what that is going to sound like. Felicity,
Summer hunt
the Wonder Cat, has been taking some hunting time off, but then the ground has been mostly frozen. I may have to cut back on her rations when spring approaches if she doesn't get back out their on her own! She is pretty passionate about gophers, so I am sure she will. She caught 2 last week.

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