Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Diary 9/21

Cool start to one of the last days of summer.  The snap is in the air, and things just smell different since the rain.  I think we avoided a frost this time, but after the next cold front goes by, we might not be as lucky.  The colors are just starting to change up on the mountain.  Could not find huckleberries where we looked, but may have to go further to find later ones that did not get knocked off by the rain or wind last weekend. Tilled areas are open to expose any weeds within.  One more tilling and then plant annual rye cover crop for over the winter. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not ready for frost yet! Still need a few more days (ideally, a few more weeks) for all the rest of my late Jelly Bean tomatoes and long thin cayenne peppers to ripen.


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