Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Diary 9/20

Harvest season is really upon us.  Quite a few watermelons are ready and some honeydews and canary melons, too.  A few split open from the rain. but got the rest elevated away from the wet soil in nests made of their branches.  Another box of tomatoes to go through and can up some sauce. Planted bok choy and nappa cabbage baies.  Will plant one more round of lettuce and some bush peas, and then I think that is going to do it for fall and over winter garden.  Have to start the walla walla onions for next year and also get the garlic in the ground.  Big winter squash harvest on Thursday. Here's a zucchini that got away from me!

1 comment:

  1. That is one very impressive zucchini! Were you able to eat it, or was it too overgrown to be edible? I had no idea they could grow that big, even if just left forgotten in the garden. Thank you for sharing the picture!


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