Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Diary 8/27/15

The grey squirrels have been very busy hauling acorns off the tree beside the house. They are coming a fair distance either by ground or in a complicated path of barbeque, lawn tractor, arbor, madrone tree to fir tree and then fir to fir to fir. I noticed that they are eating the first couple acorns they pick, hungry from their long distance travel. I feel pretty sorry for them and the rough season we have had. I have even given them free reins at hauling apples off if they need to. I can share. Turkeys were at the edge of the yard this morning. Two moms, three bigger babies (poults?)and one much younger baby. Not sure if this is the mom turkey who had four babies and has lost one or a different mom. While the squirrels made alot of racket getting acorns, someone was watching from below.

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