Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Diary 11/28/12

Sounds like we are for some wind and quite a bit of rain.  Sometimes they build these things up to a frenzy.  Talk about a frenzy, the power ball mania is a sad state of affairs.  1/175 million? I guess. What if there isn't a winner? Where does all that money go?( the $2 each ticket cost, not the measly prize ___million.)Where did the money go when there was no winner last week? Schools? Jobs?Food and shelter? How much really accomplishes what we really need?  I don't know.  I think I am a bird-in-the-hand kind of girl. Buy a ticket for fun, to be involved in the biggest scam ever, but don't start planning your life around it. I'm sorry.   
We had some cool lighting the last two evenings as the sun gets low enough to peek in under the cloud cover.

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