Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, June 18, 2012


Something has been trying to dig under the chicken house door.  I think it was successful and got some eggs once or else just frightened the chickens enough there were no eggs for days.  Anyway, this has been going on for a week. Every night I add more protection in the form of new boards, a few rocks, then bricks set in firmly which it dug to the side of.  Then more rocks and a half brick there which stopped it for that night.  Then it started working on the side of the fence to enter the edge of the pen door which I also shut every night ever since a chicken massacre 4 years ago.  So, I tighten that down and added another board.  Then a couple nights ago, I set up a game camera that takes a picture when the motion detector senses something moving in front of it.  Actually it takes a succession of three pictures.  I got pictures of humans, and three blanks and me setting the camera up.  Then last night or rather 4 AM(camera is not set on correct time), it came and this time I got this mystic picture.  I called the Fish and Wildlife to ask if I could email the picture for them to guess what it was, and so I did.  They let me know for sure what it was and I guess I will agree. Can you tell what it is? It is the thing in the lower right hand corner.  I will give you a BIG clue.  It is not a wombat.

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