Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, June 8, 2012

Diary 6/8/12

Garden Girl must leave us tomorrow. I am sad to see her go, of course, but ready for the rest of my life to get its full attention.  She has had a fun time with all the wwoofers who have come in the last little while and I know she misses her mommy, but less this last week.  So now for more changes and the crew to reduce down to the three of us who will be here all summer.  A few more days with the couple from Germany.  It has been so interesting comparing cultural notes.  Then, looking forward to the family reunion at the end of the month and a few more projects associated with that.  Bathroom remodel?  Who knows if that is going to happen...Meanwhile, the garden will like the upcoming warm days.

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